اللغة الإنجليزية فصل ثاني



 Unit 8 (I’ll tidy up)

Listen and read 


Picture 1

Mum: Here’s a postcard from Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and our baby cousin Salma. They’re flying back from Lebanon on Saturday.

Samira: Can they stay with us before they go back to Petra?

Dad: That’s a good idea. I’ll email them at their hotel.

Picture 2

Dad: Here’s an email from Uncle Hassan. They would like to stay with us. We can pick them up at the airport.

Samira: That’s fantastic. I’m excited about seeing our new baby cousin again.

Kareem: Me too!

Picture 3

Mum: It’s Saturday tomorrow. let’s get ready to welcome our visitors.

Kareem: I’ll tidy up. I’ll put these books on the bookshelf.

Samira:I’ll put the bouquet of flowers in the vase.

Picture 4

Dad: Well done, Kareem and Samira!

Samira: Can we buy a present for Salma?

Mum: That’s a wonderful idea! I’ll go to the shopping centre now. Would you like to come with me?

Kareem/ Samira: Yes, please!


Pre reading

1- How do you usually help your family at home?

2- What do you usually do when visitors come to visit you?

Free answers

  1. I clean the house/I tidy up my bedroom/I wash the dishes……
  2. We tidy up the house/we welcome our visitors………

3-What are these:


    Vase                  bouquet            bookshelf



Email (v)      يبعث ايميل

wonderful   رائع

Fantastic (great) رائع

Cousin      ابن العم

Tidy up يرتب



While reading

  1. Who sent the postcard?
  2. Where are they?
  3. When are Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma flying back?
  4. -Who sent the email?
  5.  Is Samira happy about seeing her baby cousin again?
  6. Who will put the books on the bookshelf?
  7. Where will Samira put the bouquet of flowers?
  8. What does Samira want to do?

9- Where will mum, Samira and Kareem go?

      10-In your opinion, what present will Kareem and Samira buy for Salma?


  1. Uncle Hassan, Aunt Muna and Salma.
  2. They are in a hotel in Lebanon.
  3. On Saturday.
  4. Uncle Hassan.
  5. Yes, she is.
  6. Kareem
  7. In a vase
  8. She wants to buy a present for Salma
  9. They will go to the shopping centre
  10. Free answers (clothes,toys…….)


General questions:

  1. How can we tidy up our classroom?

         I’ll tidy up my pencils

       I’ll put the books on the bookshelf.

      I’ll put the paper in the bin……etc

  1. Dad said “I’ll email them at their hotel”  this form is used (when we decide to do something at the moment of speaking) .Find more examples.

I’ll tidy up

I’ll put these books on the bookshelf

 I’ll put the bouquet of flowers in a vase

I’ll go to the shopping centre now.


  1. Match between the two columns




The table






The books on the bookshelf

         tidy up

         set the table     

        put the books on the bookshelf

        make lunch

  4- Write one sentence for the given activities

e.g I ‘ll tidy up the living room. 

 Free answer e.g  I’ll make lunch for my sister

       5- What is your favourite task?  Free answer e.g  I’ll set the table for dinner





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